Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Back to reality...

Well, today was the first day back to school for the kiddos....
I went back to work today....
and all I could think about all day was my precious kiddos and how much fun we had over break.
We didn't do much, we played Wii games, watched movies, and was, well just plain lazy in every sense of the word!!!
I have always loved having my kiddos with me, I always dread school starting in the fall, and hate when breaks are over and they have to go back...but as they get older I am hating it more and more because I feel like they are growing so fast, I have very limited time with them as it is.
Today was the first day back to reality, and man I wasn't ready for it...but then again when am I ever???
* the pics are of us being lazy having a movie fest one day..don't I have the most beautiful babies...love them soo much!!!

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